Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Post-Modern Poster

Apocalypse Now (1979)
Poster artwork by Bob Peak

There is a great top to bottom motion in this poster. Starting at top, looking at the sunset and then making your way down the river to the bottom of the image, leading you directly into the the text and title.

Poster Before 1950

Out of the Past Poster - Click to View Extra Large Image
Out of the Past (1947)

The bright colors and positioning of the words balance this poster very well. The shape of the poster makes the eye move easy in a top to bottom motion.

This Millenium Poster

The Aviator Poster
Poster Design by Intralink Film Graphic Design
The image, being a close-up on the face, emphasizes that the movie is primarily based upon this man and his life. The contrast of the the sunglass lens being the only part of the picture that is color, brings forward his vision and what he lived for.

In Harm's Way Poster - Click to View Extra Large Image
Poster artwork by Saul Bass
The image of the pointing arm strongly emphasizes power and order, also revealng the serious tone of the film. There is a strong contrast between the image and the text. The text being blue, pops out from the background making it easy to read.